The bed is lined for extra durability making the Raptor a versatile truck, but it’s not for people in need of real hauling capacity.
The Trail Boss is more for hauling and embodies that spirit with more traditional and tough exterior. Don’t get these two confused and trust us…you won’t.
The Raptor may look smooth but it has a core issue and that is a lot of plastic. That may suit some people’s tastes but if you want a real truck that’s made of metal and can get the job done, then you know what the right truck for you is.
Contrary to the Raptor, the Trail Boss is a man’s truck. Fitted from top to tail with gadgets designed for a high-performance lifestyle. You won’t need to mince words here. The Trail Boss is a workmanlike vehicle.
With a 3.5-liter turbocharged V6 engine under the hood, with a respectable 450 horsepower with 510 pound-feet of torque. The Raptor simply can’t compete.
The 5.3-liter V8 engine in the Trail Boss provides 355 horsepower and 383 pound-feet of torque, routing the power to the four-wheel-drive system through an eight-speed transmission. Nothing to sneeze at.